Your current status is


You have the GREEN LIGHT and your case has been transferred to a specialized documents/work visa company.

Specialized documents/work visa company will fill out all necessary documents and forms, which will then be deposited with the employer. After a successful development of the application and after receiving a visa with the right to work in the country (work visa), your status will be 100% complete.



Please take the necessary steps (if you haven’t already done):

  1. Contact documents/work visa company – click here. He will conduct a short online interview and ask what documents you have (please prepare a list that you can directly paste into the chat window). 
  2. You can find the latest conditions (final salary, etc.) of your position – the information has gone directly to the documents/work visa company. Please have your Job Reference Number ready. You will need it to get a copy of the terms. Don’t remember your Job Reference Number? Please click here and make a request.
  3. Please fulfill all the requirements that the document company has for you. They are professionals and they know best how to fulfill all the conditions, from the beginning to obtaining a work visa.
  4. Please check your email regularly, every day. 



Jobs and Live Solutions

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