Which Are the Best Provinces in Canada for Job Opportunities?

Canada has 13 great provinces and territories! It’s the second-largest country in the whole world, at over 9.8 million square kilometres. It’s no surprise that you may want to take a second before deciding where to live. Generally, newcomers consider schools, weather, and lifestyle when determining where to settle in Canada. However, the most important factor will always be where you find a job in Canada.

Now Introducing the Visa Freebie for Minors in Ireland

Re-entry visa requirements for Irish resident children under the age of 16, have been suspended with immediate effect and until further notice. Minors seeking to travel under this policy must be accompanied by a parent, or guardian, who has a legal permission to reside in Ireland. The adult accompanying the child must also provide appropriate documentation to prove they are the legal parent, or guardian, of the child in question.

New Rules Exposed: UK Nationals and Relatives in Ireland

Nothing will change for UK nationals living in Ireland after the 1st of January. The protections provided by the Common Travel Area mean that UK nationals living here will continue to travel freely, live, work and access education, healthcare and social services in each other’s country, after the UK leaves the EU. Separate arrangements are being put in place for non-EEA family members and/or dependants of UK nationals who are, as of 31 December 2020, exercising EU Treaty Rights under the EU Free Movement Directive and who hold a valid Irish Resident Permit on that basis, known as ‘EUFAM’.A new scheme will be introduced for UK nationals who come to Ireland after 31 December 2020 and wish to bring their non-EEA family members.

Introducing the Visa Freebie in Ireland for Ukrainian People

Following the escalating situation in Ukraine, the Minister for Justice has announced the immediate lifting of visa requirements between Ukraine and Ireland. The lifting of visa requirements unfortunately only applies to Ukrainian nationals and aims to support and streamline the swift exit of Ukrainian family members of Irish citizens, and family members of Ukrainian nationals living in Ireland.

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